I graduated from The University of Oxford in 2022, where I was awarded a First-Class Honours in Mathematics & Statistics. In general, my research interests include causal inference, life course epidemiology and survival analysis. My main area of interest is in the use of statistical methods to explore inequalities and combat issues in population health sciences – I’ve always loved the idea of using a data-driven approach to make tangible differences to peoples lives, and inform social and health policies. I am also a keen advocate for good software engineering practises in scientific computing, and so am interested in exploring software development. I enjoy teaching and, as a first generation university student from a working class background, am enthusiastic about access and working on making higher education more inclusive.
My PhD project is on developing methods and software tools to quantify and mitigate the impact of variable misclassification in causal health analyses, with a particular focus on applications to studies of deprivation and health inequality. I am supervised by Professor Kate Tilling (MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School), Dr. Rachael Hughes (MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School) and Professor Jonathan Bartlett (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine).