I spent my undergrad at the University of Bristol studying Mathematics and finished with a First Class honours Masters degree. During this I studied a wide variety of statistical and machine learning methods, such as generalised linear models, Markov chains, Monte Carlo methods to name a few. For my final project, I researched likelihood-free methods of inference, during which I implemented indirect inference, ABC, and maximum mean discrepancy methods onto truncated datasets.
My PhD is researching the spatial modelling of cancer tumours using genomics data. For this I have begun by reading into the biological knowledge necessary for me to understand the model, such as how gene transcription and translation work, as well as the methods of how equations are formed from experimental data of gene expression. Next term for my mini-project I will be attempting to construct a genetic-proteomic interaction model myself and encode it using C in order to generate simulations. Further into the PhD, after I have completed my foundation year, I hope to use simulations from this model to predict genetic changes in the presence of cancer, and predict the expected shape of cancer growth thereafter.