Events / The Smith Institute: DataScience@work seminar

The Smith Institute: DataScience@work seminar

7th July 2023
14:00 - 16:00

When: Friday 7 July, 2-3pm with networking in the Common room thereafter

Location: Room 2.04, Fry Building


The Digital Revolution, Radio Waves and Data Science

Over the past three decades, a whole new sector has grown up around the creation and delivery of mobile data services, which is still growing.  A major challenge has been to provide the capacity in the electromagnetic spectrum to keep pace with demand, and this task has fallen largely on the desks on government regulators.  In addressing it, they have drawn upon the experience of physicists, economists, computer scientists and mathematicians, leading to at least one Nobel Prize along the way and many underpinning scientific advances.  The driver for this progress has been the downstream economic benefits, which are hard to estimate accurately, but amount in financial terms to multiple tens of billions annually.  In this talk, I will survey some of the scientific highlights that have enabled this ‘digital revolution’, concentrating on those that have a strong intersection with data science.

Dr Robert Leese is Chief Technical Officer at the Smith Institute and also Fellow in Mathematics at St Catherine’s College, Oxford.  Beginning in the UK, about 15 years ago, he has worked on many of the auction mechanisms that different governments around the world have used to make spectrum available for new services.

About the Smith Institute

Mathematical approaches coupled with data exploration are key to tackling real-world challenges, to finding the solutions that transform industries and enable societies, businesses and governments to thrive.

From improving the performance of railways to meeting Carbon Zero targetsforecasting crop growth to verifying radio spectrum auctions, the Smith Institute has been tackling their clients’ most critical and complex problems with bespoke solutions for over twenty years.

The possibilities of harnessing mathematical tools are infinite; they enable transformation for their clients across a variety of sectors, applying specialist domain knowledge paired with fresh thinking in transportenergydefencesecurityFMCG and radio spectrum.

For further information about The Smith Institute, see their website.