Tag: Heilbronn
DeepMind UK scientist to tutor Compass students
Compass supervisors appointed as Heilbronn Data Science Chairs
Guest lecture from distinguished algebraic topologist Prof Carlsson
Harvard Prof delivers guest lectures to Compass students
We’re are delighted to welcome Pierre Jacob, Associate Professor of Statistics at Harvard University, to the University of Bristol in March.
Pierre will be delivering lectures for the COMPASS CDT students but all staff in the School of Maths are welcome to attend.
Title: Couplings and Monte Carlo
In his lectures, Pierre will cover couplings, total variation and optimal transport. He will describe the use of couplings in Monte Carlo methods, such as coupling from the past, diagnostics of convergence, and bias removal.
This event is sponsored by COMPASS – EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Computational Statistics and Data Science.
Tokyo research scientist gives series of data science lectures
Pierre Alquier (Research Scientist Riken AIP project, Tokyo) will visit the University of Bristol School of Mathematics from November 25 to December 6 2019. (more…)