
The Compass DataScience@work seminar invites speakers from industry, government and third-sector to provide our PhD students with their perspective on the realities of being a data scientist in industry: from the methods and techniques they use to build applications, to working as part of a wider organisation, and how to build a career in their sector.

Compass aims to develop scientific and professionally agility in its students. Our goal is to connect technical expertise in data science with experience of thinking, communicating and collaborating across disciplines and across sectors. In our DataScience@Work seminar series, Compass partners from industry will share insights into the key role of Data Science within their organisations, their objectives and future outlook. This is a great opportunity for our students to learn about career trajectories beyond academia, helping shape their aspirations and personal goals for life beyond the PhD.

Prof Nick Whiteley, Compass Director

We invite speakers from a broad range of backgrounds, which is reflected in the topics and format. Lunch and meetings after the seminar ensure invited speakers have chance to connect with Compass staff and students.

2024/25 DataScience@Work seminars


Previous speakers

Seminar organisers

If you have any questions about the DataScience@work seminars, please contact Compass CDT Team (contact email: in the first instance.


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