Compass students are passionate about their research interests and the impact they can make in the world through their work.
Take a look at our student-penned blog series Student perspectives to learn more about our students’ research and experiences on the Compass programme. Also see our Alumni page for details of their final theses and career destinations.
Cohort 1 (2019/20 start)
Doug Corbin
Project title: Non-parametric supervised learning. In particular, Doug’s work focusses on the application of nonparametric methods to sequential decision making problems.Supervisors: Anthony Lee, Mathieu Gerber
Cohort 2 (2020/21 start)
Annie Gray
Project title: Exploratory data analysis of graph embeddings: exploiting manifold structure
Supervisors: Patrick Rubin-Delanchy and Nick Whiteley
Conor Newton
Project title: Decentralised sequential decision making and learning
Supervisors: Henry Reeve, Ayalvadi Ganesh
Dan Ward
Project title: Simulation-Based Inference for Agent-Based Models
Supervisors: Matteo Fasiolo, Mark Beaumont (School of Biological Sciences)
Ed Davis
Project title: Graph embedding: time and space
Supervisors: Dan Lawson, Patrick Rubin-Delanchy
Euan Enticott
Project title: Scalable Additive Models for Forecasting Electricity Demand and Renewable Production
Supervisors: Matteo Fasiolo, Nick Whiteley, and EDF
Shannon Williams
Project title: The statistical design of assessments of impacts from explosive volcanic eruptions
Supervisors: Jeremy Phillips (School of Earth Sciences), Anthony Lee
Cohort 3 (2021/22 start)
Ben Griffiths
Project title: Developing scalable fitting methods for quantile and loss-based GAMs
Supervisors: Matteo Fasiolo and EDF
Daniel Milner
Project title: A spatially explicit assessment of agro-pastoral sustainability in Kenya and Ethiopia
Supervisors: Andrew Dowsey, Levi Wolf
Dominic Broadbent
Project title: Data reduction and large-scale inference
Supervisors: Nick Whiteley, Robert Allison, and NCSC
Edward Milsom
Project title: Classification for deep kernel machines
Supervisor: Laurence Aitchison
Emerald Dilworth
Project title: Using web data to detect spatial relationships
Supervisors: Emmanouil Tranos, Dan Lawson
Ettore Fincato
Project title: Gradient-free stochastic optimization
Supervisors: Christophe Andrieu, Mathieu Gerber
Hannah Sansford
Project title: Graph simulation
Supervisors: Nick Whitely, Patrick Rubin-Delanchy
Harry Tata
Project title: Novel semi-supervised Bayesian learning to rapidly screen new oligonucleotide drugs for impurities
Supervisors: Andrew Dowsey and AstraZeneca
Josh Givens
Project title: (Differential) Model Inference with Imperfect Information
Supervisors: Song Liu, Henry Reeve
Tennessee Hickling
Project title: Flexible tails for normalising flows
Supervisor: Dennis Prangle
Cohort 4 (2022/23 start)
Ben Anson
Project title: Graph deep kernel machines
Supervisor: Laurence Aitchison (Department of Computer Science)
Codie Wood
Project title: Misclassification in binary and categorical variables: development of methods and software for epidemiology
Supervisors: Kate Tilling & Rachael Hughes from Bristol Medical School (Population Health Science), Jonathan Bartlett (London School Hygiene Tropical Medicine)
Dylan Dijk
Project title: Robust estimation and inference for high-dimensional time series
Supervisor: Haeran Cho
Emma Ceccherini
Project title: Covariate Information for Dynamic Network Embedding
Supervisors: Ian Gallagher, Dan Lawson
Emma Tarmey
Project title: Variable selection in causal inference: development of methods and software for epidemiology
Supervisors: Kate Tilling & Jonathan Sterne from Bristol Medical School (Population Health Science), Rhian Daniel (Cardiff University)
Henry Bourne
Project title: Investigating the Effect of Latent Representations on Continual Learning Performance
Supervisor: Rihuan Ke
Qi Chen
Project title: Methodology for inferring directed graphs representing generative processes
Supervisor: Dan Lawson
Rachel Wood
Project title: Comparing qualitatively different data at scale
Supervisor: Dan Lawson
Rahil Morjaria
Project title: New Directions in Group Testing
Supervisor: Sid Jaggi
Sam Bowyer
Project title: Fast and correct Bayesian inference with massively parallel methods
Supervisor: Laurence Aitchison (Department of Computer Science)
Samuel Perren
Project title: Validity of population adjustment methods for disconnected networks of evidence
Supervisors: Nicky Welton, David Phillippo & Hugo Pedder from Bristol Medical School (Population Health Science)
Xinrui Shi
Project title: Network Meta-Analysis
Supervisor: Ayalvadi Ganesh, Annabel Davies
Cohort 5 (2023/24 start)
Project title: Sensitivity of Bayesian Decision Analysis: a tool for robust climate adaptation decision making
Supervisors: Dennis Prangle, Dan Bernie, Laura Dawkins (MetOffice)
Project title: Entropy of Soft Random Geometric Graphs
Supervisor: Carl Dettman
Project title: Boolean Modelling for Genetic Pathway Modelling
Supervisors: Feng Yu, Mark Beaumont
Project title: Dynamic covariance matrix models for energy forecasting
Supervisors: Matteo Fasiolo, Haeran Cho
Project title: Network meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy
Supervisors: Hayley Jones, Nicky Welton, Efthymia Derezea
Project title: Simulator-based statistical inference with score matching
Supervisors: Song Liu, Mark Beaumont
Project title: Haplotype-Based Methods for the Efficient Detection of Problematic Recombinogenic Pathogen Lineages at Scale
Supervisor: Dan Lawson, Sion Bayliss
Project title: Information Geometry and its Applications
Supervisors: Oliver Johnson, Sid Jaggi
Project title: Scaling up simulation based inference to whole genome data
Supervisors: Mark Beaumont, Dennis Prangle
Project title: Change Point Detection in tensor data
Supervisor: Haeran Cho